A team of professionals at your service

Ortho-Bio-Med is a centre of excellence in biological/complementary and regulative medicine. Most of our healthcare services are covered by basic and supplemental (Natura) insurance. The centre is located in Roveredo (Canton of Grisons), about 13 km from Bellinzona. In 2016, the facility was significantly expanded to include innovative therapies in integrative oncology.

Dr. Olaf Kuhnke

FMH (Swiss Medical Association) specialist in general internal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and integrative complementary medicine


Co-founder of the Ortho-Bio-Med Day Clinic in 2008. Alongside his specialisation in general internal medicine, Dr Kuhnke has completed extensive training and Master’s degrees in biological and complementary medicine. He served as Deputy Head Physician of the prestigious Klinik St. Georg in Bad Aibling, Bavaria, a clinic renowned for its conventional and complementary oncology.

He conducts international courses and conferences as a lecturer/speaker in the field of complementary medicine. From 2009 to 2011, he was President of ZAEN, Europe’s largest association of complementary medicine physicians, of which he is now honorary President.

Dr Kuhnke is qualified in the following fields:

  • General internal medicine (FMH)
  • Huneke neural therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic medicine (Bayerische Landesärztekammer)
  • Homeopathy (Zentralverband Homöopathischer Aerzte DE)
  • Dietology and nutrition (Deutsche Akademie für Ernährungsmedizin e.V.)
  • EAV electroacupuncture according to Voll (Bayerische Landesärztekammer)
  • Aesthetics (degree from the AIME Italian School of Aesthetic Medicine)

Dr. Giovanni Chetta

Specialist in biochemistry, posturology and chiropractic medicine



After completing a Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology with a focus on biochemistry in 1988 (University of Milan), Dr Chetta furthered his training by obtaining, among others, a Master’s in Posturology (Milan-Bicocca University), a degree in Massage Physiotherapy (Centre for Higher Studies, Bergamo) and the title of Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine in 2013 (Honolulu University – USA).

In 2020, he obtained a Master’s in Applied Herbal Medicine (Niccolò Cusano Online University, Rome).

In addition to treating patients at various clinical facilities, Dr Chetta has spent many years in the research sector. From 2006 to 2010, he worked at the Faculty of Medicine at the Charité university hospital in Berlin; since 2012, he has been a founding partner of Fascia Research Society (Boulder, Colorado, USA) and, as of 2014, he has been a member of the Bio-Natural Discipline (DBN) Technical-Scientific Committee of Italy’s Lombardy Region. In 2012, Dr Chetta founded the TIBodywork Institute (Arcore MB, Italy), an accredited centre for therapy, research and training in Lombardy. He has given numerous lectures, spoken at many conferences and contributed to international publications. In Switzerland, he has been recognised by the SRC and complementary health insurance companies as a medical masseur, and at Ortho-Bio-Med Centre, he specialises in the following areas:

  • Postural examination
  • Postural re-education
  • Manual and instrumental therapies
  • Nutritional rehabilitation

Dr. Tommaso Addonisio

Specialist in dermatology and venereology, FMH


Originally from Italy, Dr Addonisio graduated in Medicine and Surgery from La Sapienza University in Rome in 1988, specialising in dermatology and venereology.

He has been a professor in the Master’s programme for Aesthetic Medicine at Tor Vergata University of Rome’s Faculty of Medicine and Surgery since 2006, and has also taught at the universities of Foggia, Naples, Rome and L’Aquila.

He moved to Switzerland in 2017 and, after receiving a federal diploma in medicine, he started his career at the Ortho-Bio-Med specialised treatment centre as a dermatologist.

Founder and President of the Italian Society of Wellness Medicine (S.I.M.Ben.).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association of Aesthetic Medicine (A.I.M.E.) Chairman, speaker and moderator at many national and international conferences. Scientific Director of the publication “XBenessere”.

Author of the books “L’alimentazione naturale come fonte di benessere” (Natural nutrition as a source of well-being) and “Invecchiamento cutaneo: patogenesi, clinica e terapia” (Skin ageing: pathogenesis, clinical medicine and therapy), published by Piccin.

Contributor to many programmes on Italian national television as an expert in dermatology and aesthetic medicine, including: “Sportlandia”, “Sabato, Domenica e…”, “Focus”, “Medicina 33”, “Occhio alla spesa”, “Uno Mattina Estate weekend”, “Apprescindere”, “Italia sul 2” and “Uno

Mattina Caffè”.

Claudia Scaramella

HR and administration manager


Claudia Scaramella is a registered paediatric nurse.

She worked at Zurich University Hospital for several years.

In 1987, after gaining surgical experience at the San Rocco di Grono clinic, she started her career in biological medicine at the AL RONC clinic, initially under the direction of Dr G. Anselmi, and then Dr Olaf Kuhnke, learning various complementary treatment methods along the way.

Elisa Stanga


Mariella Bertossa


Verena Toscano


Nadja Gamba


Linda Mazzoni




Tania Delmano


Laura Gianora


Contact us!

Ortho Bio Med
Via Industrie 14
6535 Roveredo GR