Heart rate variability and cardiac coherence
A physiological phenomenon characterised by variability of the intervals between heartbeats over time.
Electrocardiogram – ECG
Measurement of the heart’s electrical activity by applying twelve electrodes to the surface of the body.
Electroacupuncture according to Voll
A diagnostic and therapeutic method with foundations in biophysics. Invented in 1953 thanks to the intuition of Dr Reinhold Voll and his collaborators, this device can measure energy at acupuncture points and therefore provide precise information about the functional status of the patient, their organs and systems.
A method of biological holistic medicine that sees a person as a whole, not just the sum of their individual organs. It has both therapeutic and diagnostic applications.
An innovative device capable of rapidly providing important health information that can best guide diagnosis and treatment.
Echography or ultrasonography is a non-invasive method that uses ultrasound to evaluate internal organs.
PSE – psychoenergetic therapy (Banis)
This test is able to rapidly demonstrate the psychosomatic and unconscious conflicts that affect the patient. This therapy is particularly suitable for children.
A test that evaluates lung function. It is very important in follow-up of patients with chronic lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Postural examination
Performed through physical examination and the use of advanced analysis tools that do not present any side effects. This examination allows a personalised postural re-education programme to be developed, which is periodically monitored and, if necessary, optimised through additional postural examinations.
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Ortho Bio Med
Via Industrie 14
6535 Roveredo GR
+41 91 827 30 50